
R&D Tax Credits for Tool and Die Industry

The tool and die industry occupies a unique space in the realm of R&D tax credits, thanks to its specialized role in designing and manufacturing tools and dies crucial for various end products.

Regardless of whether a company solely focuses on design or also engages in production, both processes hold the potential for qualifying R&D activities. Companies in this sector are often deeply involved in:

  • Refining production processes
  • Creating custom programming
  • Validating components

Furthermore, their specialized expertise allows them to design and create precision tools and casts for diverse materials and applications.

While direct labor often comprises the most significant R&D expense for tool and die companies, the R&D tax credit extends beyond that. It encompasses:

  • Material and supply costs: This includes the cost of the tooling and dies themselves, offering a significant benefit.
  • Consumable supplies: These include materials used in the shop for prototyping and validating new or modified products.

By delving into these often overlooked aspects, tool and die companies can unlock substantial financial benefits through the R&D tax credit program. This can significantly impact their bottom line and support continued innovation within the industry.

case study
Tool & Die
With four decades of experience, this Tool & Die company has excelled in creating high-quality dies for a variety of sectors. Their expertise spans from initial design to the finished product, always meeting client specifications with utmost precision.
Qualifying R&D Expenses


Annual Tax Credits


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R&D Tax Credit Qualification for Tool & Die

For this firm, R&D started with initial client discussions and went all the way to the final product. Key qualifying activities included exhaustive 3D modeling, finite element analysis, and numerous iterative cycles of prototypes and validation efforts. Each of these stages presented its own set of complexities but were essential for delivering a quality product.

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R&D Tax Credits with

With our consultative approach to the research and development tax credit, we invest time understanding each client’s history, current business direction, and future growth objectives. Each year we re-evaluate a company’s ability to accept the tax credit and provide on-going recommendations to improve the R&D tax credits process.

We proudly support a recurring service to more than 92% of our clients.