case study
Software Development
This company develops specialized digital signage solutions requiring significant software development
The total federal and state tax credit


For their first full year of development

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R&D Tax Credit Qualification for Software Development

This company continuously looks to integrate options that will offer scalable and flexIble solutions. Research sMited with a collaborative conceptualization process, which included a high-level feasibility analysis related to functionality, performance, quality and reliability. Developers followed standwdlized, but situationally adaptive and precIse coding guidelines, to generate code. Solutions evolved through a collaborative, cross.funchonal effort where developers were assigned a task, or user story, to complete In a single development cycle. The development cycle, or spnnt, was an heratWe time box in which a user story was accomplished in a span of a few weeks. During this time, the developer designed, coded, tested, and hilly Teary or optimized the user story. Depending on the cornpledty of the effort, Me team met daily or weekly to track the progress of each Msk and discuss Me technical issues and design challenges.

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R&D Tax Credits with

With our consultative approach to the research and development tax credit, we invest time understanding each client’s history, current business direction, and future growth objectives. Each year we re-evaluate a company’s ability to accept the tax credit and provide on-going recommendations to improve the R&D tax credits process.

We proudly support a recurring service to more than 92% of our clients.